Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan

If you have recently applied for a loan under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan (CBIL), you may have experienced some difficulty.

It appears that most lenders are not keen to offer CBILs, as less than 1% of applications have been successful.

There have been reports that:

  • Lenders have tried to steer businesses towards their own commercial loans which attract higher fees/ interest and are not guaranteed by the government

  • Lenders have only been offered a CBIL if the business has been refused a commercial loan or increased overdraft

  • Banks have insisted that businesses must offer a personal guarantee on CBILs (main home is protected but other personal assets are not)

  • If a CBIL has been offered, they can be charged interest rates of up to 30% (even though banks can currently borrow at close to 0%)

Yesterday the chancellor announced that there will be changes made to the CBIL scheme which should make the application process easier…

  • Applications will not be limited to businesses that have been refused a commercial loan.

  • Banks will be banned from asking business owners to guarantee loans up to £250k.

So if you have already unsuccessfully applied for a loan, you may want to try again.

For more information, go to:


HMRC reveals April 20 start date for Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme


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