Tax Returns
We have prepared thousands of tax returns over the years, so if we prepare your returns, you know that you are in safe hands.
Whether you are an individual that needs to submit a Self Assessment return, or a company with Corporation Tax returns, CIS monthly returns, Annual returns, PAYE returns, VAT returns, we can prepare them all for you.
Many sole traders prepare their own tax returns to save money on fees, but they often omit to claim all expenses or capital allowances that they are entitled to. This is often a false economy as the additional tax liability can be higher than we would charge to prepare the return!
Filing Deadlines
We will ensure that you are advised of your liabilites and reminded of your filing deadlines, so you won’t miss any filing deadlines. Late filing penalties have increased greatly in recent years, so it is more important than ever to not miss a deadline!
Did you know…?
If you are an employee or a pensioner, you will need to complete a tax return if the income you receive is:
£10,000 or more from taxed savings and investments
£2,500 or more from untaxed savings and investments
£10,000 or more from property (before deducting allowable expenses)
£2,500 or more from property (after deducting allowable expenses)